As you know stance is a crucial part of snowboarding success. The wrong stance could cause you to fall down. It takes some time to work on perfecting your snowboard stance but here are a few things you need to know first:
1. Find a stance that feels comfortable for you.
It is natural to feel an awkwardness when trying out the correct stance for the first time. It’s because your body still haven’t “memorized” the stance yet. It takes a bit of time to build up that muscle memory. But even though you might feel some initial awkwardness, it shouldn’t be painful or straining. You should still feel relaxed.
2. Always face the direction you plan on taking.
It will be difficult to redirect yourself once you have already assumed a stance, especially when you are still getting used to it.
3. Keep your arms and shoulders relaxed.
Your arms should be hanging loosely at your sides. Your shoulders should also be relaxed. Any tension could affect your stance and how you will balance on your snowboard. Also make sure your hips are relaxed.
4. Bend your knees slightly.
This will help in absorbing the shock when doing the maneuvers and also helps in directing your snowboard more effectively.
Go to snowboard shops in Vancouver such as The Destination to find a snowboard that works for you. Go for the beginner snowboards that are easier to learn how to ride. When buying from snowboard shops in Vancouver, it is also important to have your snowboard customized to your preferred setup.
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