One of the questions people ask when hitting snowboard shops in Vancouver is what clothes to buy and how to dress up for the slopes. There is a proper technique when it comes to dressing up or snowboarding and it is important to learn these techniques as your clothes can make or break your comfort.
Here are the essentials tips you should keep in mind to dress up successfully for snowboarding:
1. Choose clothing that has a moisture barrier.
One thing that will surely bring you discomfort is if the material absorbs sweat. The condensation from your body can turn into sweat that will easily freeze up in the temperature at the slopes. Wearing clothes that can wick away moisture is one way to maintain warmth even when enjoying your time skiing.
2. Layering is the key.
The easiest way to ensure that you stay comfortable without getting to hot or too cold is to layer. Start with a thermal underlayer and then add more layers as you see fit. If you get too hot, simply take out a layer. This makes it easier to customize your comfort level.
3. Make sure your hands and feet are protected too.
Don’t forget your socks and mittens. They need protecting, too. Sometimes, these are the areas that get frostbite a lot because they aren’t protected enough.
When buying the things you need to ensure you stay comfortable up at the slopes, go to one-stop snowboard shops in Vancouver that come complete with everything you might need. Check out The Destination to buy your snowboarding essentials.
For more details About The Destination Slope and Surf Outfitters Vancouver please visit our website: