Tuesday, 10 December 2019

What to Pack for Your First Snowboarding Trip

Winter sports and activities are so much fun. If you haven’t tried it yet, now is a good time to look for snowboard equipment for sale in Vancouver and book accommodation at a ski resort. Start looking for snowboard equipment for sale in Vancouver that you can use for your trip. 

Here are the additional things you need to pack to make sure that your trip will go without a hitch:

1. Clothes to stay warm 

Many people don’t know how to dress up for their snowboarding trip. For snowboarding, you need a trusty pair of trousers and a good jacket. They have to be waterproof since you will be doing a lot of wading in the snow. Your trousers should allow you to make a lot of movements. Also, make sure you get gloves, hats socks, goggles, a pair of sunglasses, neck warmers and your snowboarding boots. 

2. Medications

Since this is your first time going to a ski resort, you might feel the effects of the altitude. Bring an altitude sickness medication to help counteract the effects. You should also bring painkillers. Your first time snowboarding will inevitably lead to muscle aches and pains, so it helps to bring some painkillers.

3. Moisturizer 

Bring moisturizer and sunscreen to protect your skin against the cold weather. Bring a lip balm as well. It is not uncommon for snowboarders to experience dry skin and chapped lips.

For your snowboard gear and equipment, you can check out The Destination. They have everything you need to get ready for your first snowboarding trip.

For more details About Snowboard Shops Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Friday, 15 November 2019

Buying Snowboard Boot – 3 Crucial Things You Need to Consider

Snowboard boots are just as important as the snowboard. Try snowboarding with ill-fitting boots and you will find it uncomfortable. It’s not safe to go snowboarding with boots that are uncomfortable and don’t fit you as well.
When buying snowboard boots, here are the things you need to know:
  1. Buy it in person
Unless you have already tried a specific brand and model of boots and you are just buying a new pair to replace your old one, you need to personally try on the boots. You can’t test the comfort and the fit if you buy it online. You need to try them personally at snowboard shops in Vancouver. You can also inspect the quality of the boots. When you buy it personally, you can see whether the material and the stitches are durable enough.
  1. Get boot fitting services
There are snowboard shops in Vancouver such as The Destination that offers boot fitting services. You can test how well it fits and see how it fees when you walk. You can also gauge how soft or stiff it is.
  1. Check the lacing system
You need a good lock-down. If your boots can’t contain your feet, the excess movements can cause injuries. Make sure the lacing system will prevent your feet from sliding out. 
You can check out snowboard shops such as The Destination for the best boot finds. Invest in a good pair of boots if you plan to do a lot of snowboarding. Make sure it will last you for a long time.
To Know more details About Custom Boot Fitting in Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Monday, 7 October 2019

Is Buying Snowboard Equipment New Worth the Money?

If you are a novice snowboarder, you might be wondering whether buying your snowboard new is a good decision or not. Should you get snowboard equipment for sale in Vancouver new or should you opt for used ones instead?

There is no right or wrong answer here because everyone has their own preferences. If you have room in your budget for new snowboard equipment for sale in Vancouver and you plan on doing a lot of snowboarding activities for the duration of the winter season, investing in a new one is definitely worth the money. If you intend to get a lot of use from it, get it new. Your snowboard will take a lot of beating, so buying it new is the best option. 

However, if you are on a budget and you plan on using your snowboard only a few times during the snowboarding season, getting it used is the more ideal choice. It won’t cost you as much money as getting your equipment new. 

On the other hand, you need to make sure you are getting a good one. Dings and bumps on snowboard can affect its performance. You also need to take your snowboard to a shop like The Destination to have it conditioned. It might require some buffing and waxing in order for it to glide smoothly on the snow. If there are big and deep cracks, there is a chance it might break if you use it roughly. This is why you have to scrutinize what you are buying. 

For more details About Winter Gear in Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Friday, 13 September 2019

Why is Ski Boot Fitting Service Important?

One of the most important ski services in Vancouver you should get is boot fitting. Imagine wearing the wrong size of boots when skiing. Sounds uncomfortable, right?
Here are the reasons why boot fitting services are important:
  1. They ensure your comfort, which can help increase your enjoyment when going on a ski vacation
It’s not fun to ski when your feet are aching. It happens a lot to novice skiers. When they don’t get boot fitting services, they end up having boots that tend to be too big for their feet. This can cause the feet to strain more when skiing, which will eventually lead to discomforts. You easily get tired as well, so skiing might not be such a fun activity for you.
  1. Proper-fitting boots can keep frostbite at bay
Did you know that if you have poor-fitting boots, your chances of getting frostbite in your toes are higher? This is why it is important to protect your toes from unwanted frostbite, so you can enjoy your time skiing more.
  1. It ensures your safety
With boots that fit better, you can reduce your chances of acquiring injuries. Foot injuries can be caused by boots that are too tight or too loose. If they are too loose, your feet could end up sliding inside, which can diminish your stability and control while skiing. 

It isn’t hard to get boot fitting services at all. The Destination is a shop you can go to if you need ski equipment and ski services in Vancouver. They have experts who will be able to help you find the right boots.
To Know more details About Summer Rentals in Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Thursday, 8 August 2019

4 Compelling Reasons to Start Snowboarding

People usually have initial apprehensions when it comes to snowboarding. In comparison to skiing, snowboarding generally have the reputation of being the more dangerous snow activity. But if you are looking for reasons to start snowboarding, here are some of them:
  1. It improves mood
Most physical activities lift your mood up but with snowboarding that natural high you get is better because of how fun the activity is. Many snowboarders enjoy the altitude as it makes them feel closer to nature. The lifting and “flying” techniques and maneuvers snowboarders do also bring excitement.
  1. It’s not as tough on the knees as skiing
One of the downsides to skiing is that it can be taxes to the knees. Snowboarding tends to be more forgiving. Your snowboard allows you to glide effortlessly, which is the reason why many novice snowboarders become instantly hooked.
  1. It gives you so much freedom
Many avid snowboarders say this sport has brought them feelings of fluidity and freedom. When traversing powder, there is this unburdened feeling. It’s as if you are really flying.
  1. It reverses the sign of brain aging
There have actually been studies that prove the benefits of snowboarding when it comes to reversing brain aging. Snowboarders, reports say, have bigger brain and improved brain functions compared to non-snowboarders. 
Aren’t these compelling enough to get you started on snowboarding? Once you decide to take up this sport, try going to snowboard shops in Vancouver like The Destination. Go to snowboard shops in Vancouver to buy or rent your setup.
To Know more details about Summer Rentals in Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Thursday, 11 July 2019

3 Practical Tips to Buying Skis for the First Time

Buying ski equipment in Vancouver for the first time can seem intimidating. But when you go to stores like The Destination, there are people there who will help you pick the ski equipment in Vancouver that suits your needs. You can also keep the following things in mind to make sure you buy the right ski equipment:
  1. The most expensive doesn’t always mean the best
As a beginner, the most important thing to do is to find the equipment that suits your skill level. Don’t be too focused on finding the best and the most expensive ones out there. In fact, you might want to start by renting skis first, so you can decide which of them will work better for you before investing in your own equipment.
  1. Boots are vital to your set-up
If you are going to splurge on one ski equipment, it should be a pair of boots. The wrong boots could affect your performance and also your safety and comfort. Just imagine wearing ill-fitting boots out in the snow doing strenuous activities like skiing. Make sure you get the right pair of boots and get boot-fitting services as well.
  1. Don’t overestimate your skills
Be honest when assessing your skills. Don’t buy ski equipment intended for more skilled skiers when your skill level is not there yet.
Give the equipment a try first. You can try renting out the same brand of ski equipment and see for yourself if this is the equipment that will truly work for your needs.
For more details About Winter Gear in Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Monday, 10 June 2019

What You Need to Know About Refining Your Snowboard Stance

As you know stance is a crucial part of snowboarding success. The wrong stance could cause you to fall down. It takes some time to work on perfecting your snowboard stance but here are a few things you need to know first: 

1. Find a stance that feels comfortable for you. 

It is natural to feel an awkwardness when trying out the correct stance for the first time. It’s because your body still haven’t “memorized” the stance yet. It takes a bit of time to build up that muscle memory. But even though you might feel some initial awkwardness, it shouldn’t be painful or straining. You should still feel relaxed. 

2. Always face the direction you plan on taking. 

It will be difficult to redirect yourself once you have already assumed a stance, especially when you are still getting used to it. 

3. Keep your arms and shoulders relaxed.

Your arms should be hanging loosely at your sides. Your shoulders should also be relaxed. Any tension could affect your stance and how you will balance on your snowboard. Also make sure your hips are relaxed. 

4. Bend your knees slightly. 

This will help in absorbing the shock when doing the maneuvers and also helps in directing your snowboard more effectively. 

Go to snowboard shops in Vancouver such as The Destination to find a snowboard that works for you. Go for the beginner snowboards that are easier to learn how to ride. When buying from snowboard shops in Vancouver, it is also important to have your snowboard customized to your preferred setup. 

For more details About Summer Rentals in Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Tips in Dressing Up for Snowboarding

One of the questions people ask when hitting snowboard shops in Vancouver is what clothes to buy and how to dress up for the slopes. There is a proper technique when it comes to dressing up or snowboarding and it is important to learn these techniques as your clothes can make or break your comfort.

Here are the essentials tips you should keep in mind to dress up successfully for snowboarding: 

1. Choose clothing that has a moisture barrier. 

One thing that will surely bring you discomfort is if the material absorbs sweat. The condensation from your body can turn into sweat that will easily freeze up in the temperature at the slopes. Wearing clothes that can wick away moisture is one way to maintain warmth even when enjoying your time skiing. 

2. Layering is the key. 

The easiest way to ensure that you stay comfortable without getting to hot or too cold is to layer. Start with a thermal underlayer and then add more layers as you see fit. If you get too hot, simply take out a layer. This makes it easier to customize your comfort level.

3. Make sure your hands and feet are protected too. 

Don’t forget your socks and mittens. They need protecting, too. Sometimes, these are the areas that get frostbite a lot because they aren’t protected enough.
When buying the things you need to ensure you stay comfortable up at the slopes, go to one-stop snowboard shops in Vancouver that come complete with everything you might need. Check out The Destination to buy your snowboarding essentials. 

For more details About The Destination Slope and Surf Outfitters Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Which Snowboard Riding Style Suits You?

When buying a snowboard at snowboard shops in Vancouver, one important consideration is your preferred riding style. That will tell you a lot as to what type of snowboard you should get. The following are some of the common riding styles. Find out which one suits you best:

1. Freestyle

Like what its name suggests, this riding style lets you go anywhere and do anything you want. If you prefer doing forward or backward, snowboard for freestyling should be your best choice. The difference of this snowboard with the others is the shape. It is more directional and has a tip longer than others. The tail is also stiffer, which is why it has more power. 

2. Technical freestyle 

Those who like to spend their time in snowboard park or even in halfpipe should consider getting this type of board. The twin tips of these boards set them apart from the others. Since the tip and the tail are blunt, they should be better when it comes to forward and backward riding.

3. Freeriding 

This is the best when it comes to riding any kind of terrain or in any kind of snow condition. If you don’t do techniques in the air and you mostly spend your snowboarding time on the ground, the freeriding snowboard is the ideal choice for you. 

4. Alpine

Alpine, also known as freecarving, is the narrowest kind of snowboard. It is also the stiffest. It is more ideal for those who are after speed and those who likes snowboarding on groomed snow.

Once you have decided what snowboarding style suits you best, go to snowboard shops in Vancouver that can help you find the board you are looking for. 

For more details About Summer Getaway Gear in Vancouver please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Strategies to Avoid the Snowboard and Ski Crowd

If you have ever been to a ski and snowboard resort during a peak season, you probably know how hectic it can be. There are extremely long lines at the snowboard shops in Vancouver, at the lift and everywhere else where there are services needed.

If you want to avoid the crowd and all the stress that often comes with it, here are the things you need to do:

1. Reserve your equipment at snowboard shops in Vancouver and pick them up early.

Call Snowboard Shops in Vancouver such as The Destination in advance and reserve what you need early. If there are services you also need such as boot fitting, schedule an appointment as well. That way, you won’t have to battle the huge crowd in getting the things you need. You already have the things you need prepared for pick up.

2. Go for lesser-known snowboarding destinations.

Consider going to ski and snowboarding destinations that are not as popular. Some ski resorts have sister resorts, and these are usually the ones that are not that crowded. You can visit these resorts instead.

3. Go during the weekdays.

A lot of people often hit the slopes in the weekend. That said, you can opt for a weekday vacation instead. This will also help you avoid the traffic. You might even get weekday rates and be able to some money.

Also consider going to ski resorts that are not as accessible. It is a different kind of adventure and these places are less likely to be crowded.

For more details About Snowboard Equipment For Sale in Vancouver. please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Monday, 11 February 2019

Tips in Completing Your Ski Essentials

Building your ski essentials take time. It is better to buy what you need slowly and after gaining some ski experience as this will let you know which Ski Equipment in Vancouver is really the best investment. You can also keep the following tips in mind when it comes to completing your ski essentials:

1. Start buying the most important ski equipment in Vancouver first.

Spend your money on the most important ski investments first such as your ski and boots. Splurge on these items as they are likely to last you for a long time. You can also rent them out first but since boots need to have the best fit, you need to spend money on your own, so you can wear a pair that fits you perfectly.

2. Rent the rest of your equipment. 

If you are unsure what to buy, rent it first. This will give you a chance to try out different kinds of equipment and brands and see for yourself how well they work. That way, when you are ready to invest on your own, you already know which one will give you value for your money. You can rent equipment from shops such as The Destination. 

3. Slowly find ski equipment in Vancouver that is right for you. 

Do your research and find out which equipment others recommend for novice skiers. Start with that list and then work your way in adding more gear to your essentials.

Whatever you do, make sure you go for quality. If you plan on skiing every year, it is important to get ski equipment that will last you for a long time. 

For more details About Summer Gear in Vancouver. please visit our website: thedestination.ca

Friday, 11 January 2019

3 Snowboarding Products You Should Splurge on Using Your Holiday Money

Many people acquire some extra cash during the holidays. What are you going to do with it? If you are an avid snowboarder, you should hit the snowboard shops in Vancouver and invest on gears and equipment that you know you will be able to enjoy for a long time.

Here are some products we recommend looking at Snowboard Shops in Vancouver:

1. New stiff boot

Our recommendation: The Verse Boot from Vans

It’s a nice well-made pair of boots that will surely last you for many seasons. It comes complete with a dual Boa closing system, a rugged exterior and stiff materials that you will enjoy using on your snowboarding escapades. What makes this different is its moisture-wicking liner that should come handy when you are outdoors. You can also go to snowboard shops in Vancouver like The Destination to take advantage of boot fitting services.

2. An outdoor backpack

Our recommendation: Dakine’s RAS Poacher Backpack

This isn’t your ordinary backpack. It is a big backpack, so you can store more of your snowboarding essentials in here. There are a lot of compartments for your smaller items. Its best feature is its Mammut Airbag feature. It releases an airbag that protects you out there.

3. A new outdoor jacket

Our recommendation: Volcom’s Gore-Tex Jacket

Stay warm while out in the slopes with the help of a Gore-Tex jacket. The one from Volcom offers plenty of pockets that you can use to store your various essentials such as phone and some snacks. Trust this jacket to keep you warm while outdoors.

Hit the snowboard shops and look for these products to splurge on.

For more details About Ski Services in Vancouver. please visit our website: thedestination.ca